Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

555 - Master's in Management, Strategy and Marketing

61755 - The consumer information processing

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
61755 - The consumer information processing
Faculty / School:
109 - Facultad de Economía y Empresa
555 - Master's in Management, Strategy and Marketing
Second semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The teaching method chosen for the development of the classes in this course is a combination of lectures with the presentation of summaries of coursework by the student.

5.2. Learning tasks


The course includes the following learning tasks: 

  • Lectures: student participation is encourage and expected during the course
  • Seminars
  • Analysis and discussion of scientific papers related to the course
  • Preparation and defense of a research proposal
  • Evaluation and critical analysis of peer's project proposals

5.3. Syllabus

The course will address the following topics:

Topic 1. Company-to-consumer communication process

Topic 2. Background and analysis of the concepts of information and quality

Topic 3. Phase of “information seking” in the consumer-decision process.

Topic 4. Models of information-processing and development of preferences, perceptions and attitudes

Topic 5. Models of advertising.

Topic 6. The impact of commercial business information in decision-making: main theoretical approaches

Topic 7. Challenges and opportunities in the traditional context, special reference to food and tourism

Topic 8. Challenges and new opportunities in the digital context: Internet as a communication channel  for business-to-consumer. Communication Tools 2.0. The Multichannel Consumer